Tap into the Power of Individualized Nutrition

Reach Your Peak Performance And Health With Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition is a primary factor affecting your health and capacity to perform. Eating a variety of whole foods is the best way to meet your nutrition needs, athletic goals, and peak health. Active Fueling does not promote fad diets or food trends, just healthy, balanced nutrition. Our approach can help individuals in the following areas:

Sport Performance

Energy Levels

Gastrointestinal Dysfunction

Nutrient Inadequacies

Body Comp Changes

Overall Wellness

What We Do

All nutrition coaching starts with an Initial Assessment. In your initial assessment, your dietitian is going to learn as much about you, your goals, your health history, your current nutrition, your exercise, and your behaviors as possible. From there, you’ll devise the best plan of action to help you meet your performance and health goals. In the initial assessment, you’ll learn your individual nutrition needs (calories, macronutrients, micronutrients of interest) and together, you and your dieititan will specify a plan of action to follow and measure your success going forward. It’s important you are ready to put trust in your dietitian to work together and achieve amazing things!

Follow-up sessions are individualized based on your goals. You’ll learn about a varitey of nutrition topics specific to your goals (fueling for sport, supplementation, hydration, intuitive eating, label reading, your relationship with food etc.), get accountability/motivation from your dietitian, adjust your plan for social events/dining out/travel, and learn how to eat for fuel as well as enjoy favorite foods.

Active Fueling offers virtual nutrition coaching only, so we can meet whether you’re in Colorado Springs, the Rocky Mountains, or in a more remote area of Colorado. The video-based sessions are easy to access through a simple link and allow you the flexibility to check-in with your dietitian, continue your goals, all while accommodating your busy schedule.

Questions? Contact Us Today

Learn More About The Specific Packages We Offer:

We are the premier provider of all sport-nutrition services, especially for endurance athletes.

Explore These Packages

These packages are specifically designed to help heal your relationship with food, so you can enjoy your sport AND food.

Explore These Packages

The focus of this package is improving your daily nutrition to reach your goals!

Explore This Package